Underage Guest Consent Form

Guardian Information

The Pace University guest policy for the residence halls requires all guests aged 16-17 to provide consent from their parent/guardian prior to entering the residence hall. Consent can be provided by the guardian through the following form or in-person at the community desk. Guests under the age of 16 are only permitted in the residence hall when escorted by their guardian. The complete university guest policy can be found online on the Housing website.

To provide consent, as a guardian, complete the following form with your name, the name of the guest, the name of the Pace University student hosting the guest and an emergency contact phone number to be contacted as needed for concerns related to the underage guest. You must also provide a copy of a government issued ID for identify verification.

Any information provided in this form is collected on a secure server within the Pace University network and is accessed only by a select Housing and Residential Life staff members, who process guest exception request. The information is handled in accordance with our procedures for confidential information.

If you have any questions regarding this consent form or the guest exception process, feel free to contact the Residential Life office at (212) 346-1295 or by email at housing@pace.edu.

Please upload a picture of a government issued ID

A photo or scanned copy of a government ID is used to verify the identity of the guardian who filled out this form (you may cover any private information, such as a license number)

If uploading from a mobile device:  Select the "Upload" button -Choose either "Take a Photo or Video" to take a new picture of your ID or "Photo library" to upload an already taken picture of your ID

If uploading from a PC/Mac:  Select the "upload" button -In the pop-up window, find the scanned copy of your ID and select it to upload